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Road 2 Reentry Research Study

Study Overview

In Spring 2024, with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the Road 2 Reentry Research Study was launched. Led by Dr. Megan Threats, Director of the Health Justice Informatics Lab, this study aims to better understand the experiences of formerly incarcerated people living in the state of Michigan following their release from incarceration. The study is particularly focused on learning about their experiences seeking and receiving information and services to support their reentry, and their perceptions of public libraries as community institutions.   


The project is a 2-year community-based study with a goal to use data to understand the reentry-related information needs and practices of formerly incarcerated people, and how various factors shape their access to critical reentry services such as healthcare and technology literacy and engagement with institutions during the reintegration process. The overall goal will be to develop a state-wide reentry planning guide for formerly incarcerated people living in the state of Michigan.

Sign Up to Participate!

We are currently seeking participants for our research study!


Eligibility Requirements:

  • A person who is formerly incarcerated (served a sentence in a county jail, state or federal prison)

  • Be 18 years of age or older

  • Live in Michigan


There are one way to participate:​​

1. Complete a virtual, 45-90 minute interview


If you are interested in participating in the virtual interview study, please fill out a quick screening survey (3-minutes) by clicking this link: 


If you are chosen to be interviewed for the study, a member of the project team will contact you to set up an interview. Individuals who complete an interview will be compensated with a $40 gift card.


We want our research to be accessible to all.

Survey Results

The survey for the Road 2 Reentry Study is now closed. Please check back soon for the results from the survey analysis. Once available, please feel free to download the infographics and share with your communities. 

Project Team.

Learn more about each project team member by clicking their name. 

Community Advisory Board

Eric Anderson


Organization of Exonerees

Michele Howard

Library Director,

Traverse Area District Library

Chuck Warpehoski

Program Director,

Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration

Mariam Deland

Manager of Reentry Services,

Michigan Department of Corrections

Edward Sanders "Barakah"

Founder and CEO

Alternative Sentencing & Reentry Solutions

Anne de Irala

Community Services Coordinator,

Jackson District Library

Steven Bowers

Executive Director,

The Library Network

Adam Kouraimi

Videographer and Founder,

Krymson Media

Kenneth Nixon

Director of Community Outreach and Partnerships,

Safe and Just Michigan

Dr. Beth St. Jean

Associate Professor,

University of Maryland College of Information Studies

Dr. Amelia Gibson

Associate Professor,

University of Maryland College of Information Studies

Kyle Kaminiski

Offender Success Administrator,

Michigan Department of Corrections

Adam Grant

Executive Director,

A Brigther Way Foundation

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